Date posted: 02/09/2021
Covid-19 UCL Report
Savile Row Projects commissioned a team of experts in virology, construction, behaviour, and architecture from UCL to examine multiple strategies and products which will help limit the transmission of COVID-19 and other viruses in the workplace.
Date posted: 02/09/2021
How do you future-proof your office in a world of uncertainty?
There’s a certain stir in the office world as businesses rethink how their spaces will be used in the future. Although we’re slowly resuming to some form of normality, the office environment has considerably changed.
Date posted: 31/05/2022
SRP presented with Rotary's Paul Harris Fellow award
Our Founder, Mark Lane, was recognised for SRP’s fundraising efforts this month after being presented with The Paul Harris Fellow award.
Date posted: 28/06/2022
Celebrating 10 Years of SRP
Today marks a decade of business for SRP. Founded in 2012 by Mark Lane to market and distribute Strähle partitions and room systems, we’ve seen significant growth and worked on some world-class projects with some of the most brilliant in the business.
Date posted: 07/02/2023
SRP awarded Carbon Neutral Plus Accreditation
SRP is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Carbon Neutral Plus accreditation for its business practices. This acknowledges that the company is at the forefront of helping to combat climate change and sustaining the environment for future generations. Over the past year the SRP team, led by Rob Ritchie, has been […]